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Cabinet Resolution No. (21) of 2022 Regarding the adoption of Unified Health Procedures Guide at the border crossing points of the Gulf Cooperation Council for the Arab States


Cabinet Resolution No. (21) of 2022 regarding the adoption of the Unified Health Procedures Guide at the border ports of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries

Cabinet Resolution No. (21) of 2022

Cabinet Resolution No. (17) of 2022 Regarding the Adoption of the Unified Table for Classification and Categorization of goods for Gulf Cooperation Council countries according to the Harmonized System (2022) and its updates


Cabinet Resolution No. (2) of 2020 Regarding the Adoption of the Unified Table for the Classification of Goods for the Countries of the Cooperation Council in Accordance with the Harmonized LLaw (2017) and its updates


Federal Decree No. (87) of 2019 Appointing Members of the State to the Advisory Body of the Supreme Council of the Gulf Cooperation Council


Federal Decree No. (9) of 2018 Approving the Articles of Association of the Economic Judiciary Committee in the GCC Organisation


Federal Decree No. (9) of 2018 Approving the Articles of Association of the Economic Judiciary Committee in the GCC Organization


Ministerial Resolution No. (475) of 2007 Concerning Regulations Implement of the Pesticide System Law GCC countries

Ministerial Resolution No. (475) of 2007 Concerning Regulations Implement of the Pesticide System Law GCC countries

Resolution No. (4) of 2007 allowing GCC citizens to exercise economic Law activities

Resolution No. (4) of 2007 allowing GCC citizens to exercise economic Law activities

Resolution No. (15) of 2006 regarding fees of registration and issuance of identity cards for Citizens of the GCC

Resolution No. (15) of 2006

Ministerial Resolution No. (184) of 2006 foundation the delegation to participate in meeting of follow-up technical procedures regarding electronic network connecting the regulations and Acts of Gulf Corporation Council Countries

Ministerial Resolution No. (184) of 2006

Ministerial Resolution No. (146) of 2006 foundation the delegation to visit Kuwait including bilateral visiting program of judicial delegation in Cooperation council Countries

Ministerial Resolution No. (146) of 2006

Resolution No. (23) of 2005 regarding amending the Cabinet Resolution regarding owning and exchange cooperation council countries employees for shares and establishing joint stock companies in the country

Resolution No. (23) of 2005

Ministerial Resolution (546) of 2004 forming a delegation to participate in the sixteenth meeting of owners Honorable Ministers of Justice of the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries

Ministerial Resolution (546) of 2004

The Resolution According to the Latest Amendments – Cabinet Resolution No. (9) of 2004 regarding the ownership and circulation of citizens of Gulf cooperation council of share and establishment of shareholding national companies

The Resolution According to the Latest Amendments – Cabinet Resolution No. (9) of 2004

Resolution No. (507) of 2003 Regarding formation of a delegation to participate in the 15th meeting of the GCC Ministers of Justice

Resolution No. (507) of 2003

Ministerial Resolution No. (189) of 2003 to form a delegation to participate in the meeting of the Committee of Experts to prepare a draft unified law for conciliation and reconciliation of the Gulf Cooperation Council

Ministerial Resolution No. (189) of 2003

Cabinet Resolution No. (5) of 2001 regarding the state joining to the Commercial Arbitration Center of the GCC countries

Cabinet Resolution No. (5) of 2001

Ministerial Resolution No. (133) of 2000 to allow the national carriers of the GCC countries to sell directly without the need for a general agent

Ministerial Resolution No. (133) of 2000

Ministerial Resolution No. (440) of 1997 regarding the participation in the unified criminal law (code) in the GCC countries

Ministerial Resolution No. (440) of 1997 regarding the participation in the unified criminal law (code) in the GCC countries

Ministerial Resolution No. (180) of 1994 regarding granting permission to visit the for the expats in the GCC states

Ministerial Resolution No. (180) of 1994 regarding granting permission to visit the for the expats in the GCC states

Cabinet Resolution No. (6) of 1991 regarding the rules and controls of practice of national natural persons or legal persons who have the nationality of GCC countries for retail and wholesale trade in the UAE

Cabinet Resolution No. (6) of 1991

Ministerial Resolution No. (12) of 1986 regarding allowing GCC companies, institutions, and production units to export their products to the United Arab Emirates without binding them to appoint a local agent

Ministerial Resolution No. (12) of 1986

Ministerial Resolution No. (24) of 1985 regarding the Executive Regulation of the Federal Law concerning GCC citizens practice of economic activities in the State

Ministerial Resolution No. (24) of 1985 regarding the Executive Regulation of the Federal Law concerning GCC citizens practice of economic activities in the State

Ministerial Resolution No. (1) of 1975 regarding the organization of the work progress in the General Secretariat of the Union Supreme Council

Ministerial Resolution No. (1) of 1975 regarding the organization of the work progress in the General Secretariat of the Union Supreme Council

Federal Decree No. (14) For the year 2011 on the ratification of an agreement between the Government of the State And the Government of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria on customs Cooperation

Federal Decree No. (14) For the year 2011 on the ratification of an agreement between the Government of the State And the Government of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria on customs Cooperation

Federal Decree No. (67) for the year 2010 for appointing the State representatives in the consultative organization of Higher Council of the Arab Gulf States Co-operation Council.

Federal Decree No. (67) for the year 2010 for appointing the State representatives in the consultative organization of Higher Council of the Arab Gulf States Co-operation Council.

Ministerial Resolution No. (409) of 2009 on Executive Rules of the GCC Act (Regulation) on Pesticides

Ministerial Resolution No. (409) of 2009

Ministerial Resolution No. (476) of 2007 on the executive regulation of the Fertilizer System Law And agricultural soil enhancers for the GCC countries - Repealed under Article (2) of the Ministry of Environment and Water Resolution No. (801) of 2015 on the executive regulations of the Fertilizer System Law and the Agricultural Soil Improvements of the GCC States Arabic

Ministerial Resolution No. (476) of 2007 on the executive regulation of the Fertilizer System Law And agricultural soil enhancers for the GCC countries - Repealed under Article (2) of the Ministry of Environment and Water Resolution No. (801) of 2015 on the executive regulations of the Fertilizer System Law and the Agricultural Soil Improvements of the GCC States Arabic

Decree No. (52) For the year 2007 regarding the unified trademark law of the GCC States.

Decree No. (52) For the year 2007 regarding the unified trademark law of the GCC States.

Resolution No. (9) of 2004 For the citizens of the cooperation council to have and use incorporation in the country

Resolution No. (9) of 2004

Decision of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries No. (248) For the year 2003 regarding the executive regulations of the Agricultural Quarantine Law of the GCC states.

Decision of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries No. (248) For the year 2003 regarding the executive regulations of the Agricultural Quarantine Law of the GCC states.

Decree No.(7) For the year 2005 Regarding United Law of Anti –dumping and preventative countermeasures of Arab Gulf cooperative Courtiers Council.

Decree No.(7) For the year 2005 Regarding United Law of Anti –dumping and preventative countermeasures of Arab Gulf cooperative Courtiers Council.

Decision No. (83) of 1986 regarding subrogation in jurisdiction

Decision No. (83) of 1986

Statement issued by the Higher Council of the Union in the session commenced on Thursday 10th June 1997.

Statement issued by the Higher Council of the Union in the session commenced on Thursday 10th June 1997.

Law No. (2) for the year 1989 regarding the allowance of the citizens of the GCC countries to practice The retail and whole sale trade in the state.

Law No. (2) for the year 1989 regarding the allowance of the citizens of the GCC countries to practice The retail and whole sale trade in the state.

Federal Decree No. (107) for the year 1982 regarding the approval of the agreement of the popular Heritage center of the Arab Gulf States.

Federal Decree No. (107) for the year 1982 regarding the approval of the agreement of the popular Heritage center of the Arab Gulf States.

Federal Decree No. (47) for the year 1982 regarding the approval of The Unified Agreement between the Countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council.

Federal Decree No. (47) for the year 1982 regarding the approval of The Unified Agreement between the Countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council.

Federal Decree No. (96) for the year 1981 regarding the approval of the Agreement on Documents of the Extraordinary Conference of Gulf Post Authority.

Federal Decree No. (96) for the year 1981 regarding the approval of the Agreement on Documents of the Extraordinary Conference of Gulf Post Authority.

Federal Decree No. (96) for the year 1981 regarding the approval of the Agreement on Documents of the Extraordinary Conference of Gulf Post Authority.

Federal Decree No. (96) for the year 1981 regarding the approval of the Agreement on Documents of the Extraordinary Conference of Gulf Post Authority.

Federal Decree No. (76) for the year 1981 regarding the Articles of Association of GCC and the Articles of Association of the Dispute Settlement Body .

Federal Decree No. (76) for the year 1981 regarding the Articles of Association of GCC and the Articles of Association of the Dispute Settlement Body .

Federal Decree No. (92) for the year 1980 regarding the approval of the agreement on establishing the Arabian Gulf University.

Federal Decree No. (92) for the year 1980 regarding the approval of the agreement on establishing the Arabian Gulf University.

Federal Decree No. (16) for the year 1980 regarding UAE’s authentication on the Articles of Association of the Arab Bureau of Education for the Gulf States.

Federal Decree No. (16) for the year 1980 regarding UAE’s authentication on the Articles of Association of the Arab Bureau of Education for the Gulf States.

Federal Decree No. (55) of 2022 Ratifying the Agreement on the Transfer of Convicted Persons Between the United Arab Emirates and the Federal Republic of Brazil

Federal Decree No. (55) of 2022 Ratifying the Agreement on the Transfer of Convicted Persons Between the United Arab Emirates and the Federal Republic of Brazil